The Ladder UPP – focus, energy, and direction for a happy life

The Ladder UPP is your blueprint for life. It is an evidence-based tool to help you take control of where you are going and how you will get there. It is available as a convenient workbook, or an in-depth e-course where the creator of The Ladder UPP, Silouan Green, guides you step-by-step through an interactive learning tool.  It is the power to make your life the way you want it to be.

The Ladder UPP program – available as a workbook or online course – was designed to help you deeply examine your life, identify a driving purpose and meaning, and then create a focused plan to move forward.

The Ladder UPP is an evidence-based model that follows proven psychological principles. It is easy to use and it works.

The Ladder UPP can be used alone, as a couple, or in small groups.

The Ladder UPP is available as a convenient workbook or robust online-course.


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